Tarot, Astrology & Voice Work

How to read your chart


How to generate your unique astrological chart

Natal Chart

Natal Chart

Natal Chart and Transits

Natal Chart and Transits

To generate your natal chart with current transits, go to Astrodeinst - www.astro.com to enter your birth data. You may need to create an account, and you will need to enter your birthday, exact time of birth, and birth location (City, State, Country).

Then, go to: Free Horoscopes, and under the Drawings & Calculations menu, select Extended Chart Selection. Your Natal Chart Wheel will be the default chart selection. To add your transits, go to the Chart Type menu, and select Natal Chart and Transits. Click the blue button to see your chart!

The “natal” chart is the map of the planets as they appeared in the sky at the exact time and location of your birth. This chart is like a fingerprint, absolutely unique to you. Each planet is represented by a symbol, and these symbols appear in black on the inside of your natal wheel.

Planetary “transits” are where the planets appear right now, at the time of the chart you have just generated. Transiting planets appear in green, on the outside of your natal wheel.

Astrologers track the energies flowing into your experience by noticing “aspects” — both the geometric relationships between the planets in your natal chart, as well as the relationships of transiting planets to those in your fixed natal chart.

Generally speaking, the blue lines in the chart represent harmonious Yin energy— places where the querent finds ease, flow, and receptivity. The red lines represent motivating Yang energy— places where the querent finds tension and challenges to grow and evolve.